Monday, August 28, 2006

Preventing "truth decay"

Driving out to the barn today, I passed the church that has the big sign out in front (I wrote about one of them about a week ago). Today, the sign said: "Prevent truth decay and brush up on the Word of God". Haha- not an amazing pun, but it definitely made me laugh and it definitely is true!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path
- Psalms 119:105

I've been such a procrastinator lately and haven't posted my (long ago) promised testimony! My plan for the night is to return all my phone calls before it gets too late, make a cup of tea, STOP PROCRASTINATING and get it done! It's really long, which worried me at first, but the more I wrote, the more I realized that when I became saved I really didn't become a committed Christian, and that makes for one long story! I'll try to keep it as concise as I can without taking out too many details.

May we all remember to prevent "truth decay"-


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