Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Hopefully everyone is enjoying their turkey dinners. I ended up not going home for Thanksgiving this year, but staying at school to work on my studies and the newspaper. This is the first holiday ever that I’ve spent away from my family, so it was a little sad. I called home tonight and talked with everyone, so it made it a little easier.
I’ve had these two poems since I was in high school, and I read them every Thanksgiving. It really makes me appreciate what I have. I don’t know who wrote them, so if anyone knows, let me know! Enjoy:

I Am Thankful For…
…the mess to clean up after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
…the taxes I pay because it means that I'm employed.
…the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
…my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
…the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
…all the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
...that lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
…the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
…the lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
…my huge heating bill because it means that I am warm.
…weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means that I have been productive.
…the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive.

Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.If you did, what would there be to look forward to?Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.Be thankful when you're tired and weary,because it means you've made a difference.It's easy to be thankful for the good things.A life of rich fulfillment comes to those whoare also thankful for the setbacks.Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and they can become your blessings.
-Author unknown.

It’s a tradition at my house that every Thanksgiving we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Last year I said “I’m thankful for my family, good food and good company”. This year I think I’d say the same thing, but adding on “and I’m thankful for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for everyone who supports me in my walk with Him”. May you all have a great Thanksgiving, and eat some extra turkey for me!

Thankful to be in His loving arms-

P.S. In the spirit of my week-end, if I were to add anything to the first poem, it would be “ I’m thankful for homework, because it means I am getting an education”. I’ll have to keep that in mind as I go back to tackling the books!


Terry said...

Dear Lauren-Mary..I am very thankful this year for all the dear Christian friends that I have met on the computer!! Including that Lauren-Mary... Ontario Girl!!!..Love Terry

Terry said...

Dear Lauren-Mary...Very good poem!!
I tried to "Google It" and met at every turn.."Author Unknown"..

Parties? We NEVER have parties.
We are surrounded by our friends at Macdonald's and we all clean up our own mess after we have solved all the world's problems for the day!!
Ha!! We just throw away the dishes!!
Sometimes the little workers take their break with us and the table is full of people of all ages and with no generation gap..Much to be thankful for!!

I don't mind paying taxes because they sure do make a lot of nice roads that we can travel on, although I DO prefer a nice gravel road with lots of winding.
They are much more homey.
The Manitoba roads are just like that.
You never know what surprise will meet you at the next bend.
Perhaps a couple of deer quietly grazing in the fields..So nice!!
I am thankful for all of God's dear creatures!
Although that Bernie's cat, "Shopping News" is a little bit of a nuisance sometimes.
He is spoiled rotten, and has a real jealous streak in him!! Ha!!

The clothes that are too tight?
Well..I AM fat but JD Sumner says that "fat people are always happy!"
Being happy is something to be thankful about,eh Lauren-Mary?
I guess better that than being skinny and grouchy and ALWAYS hungry!!
Besides a Christian should always be happy.
Perhaps not always smiling but forever happy INSIDE!
One of our friends who is a preacher told us once that there was a sad looking Christian giving out gospel papers and the guy he offered it to took one look at the guy's face and said, "No thanks sir!! I have ENOUGH problems of my OWN!"

I am thankful for my shadow too and being in the sunshine, Lauren-Mary.
One thing so nice about a shadow is that no matter how well dressed or poorly dressed a person is, the shadow looks the same on the ground. No snobbish shadows I can tell you!
We are all alike in God's eyes!!
I am thankful for that... that the Lord loves us all equally and is lovingly calling to each one of us, "Come unto me and I will give you rest!"

I am just thankful that there IS a far spot in the parking lot to park.
One thing I am NOT thankful for is people who are so careless and open their door and hit the door of my little red car!!

I am thankful for our government too Mary-Lauren.
Every Wednesday at prayer meeting the brothers pray for our Prime Minister Harper and for President Bush and for all the troops.
I am very thankful for the freedom we have and it was bought at such a high cost, and for the times we are able to go to worship the Lord and are not hindered.
We are a blessed people for sure!!

I am thankful that people don't care if I sing off key!! Hopefully they don't anyways!!

I am thankful for my husband that HE is the one that does the laundry!! I used to be forever wrecking things!!
Oh well, he married me for better or worse, eh?
Too bad he gets a whole lot worse than better!!
I am thankful that I AM better cook than him!!!
I CAN"T bake but I AM a good cook!!!

It was a dream come true when the Lord gave Bernie and me a little home. It is very tiny but we like it. Bernie keeps up the lawn cutting and all the fixing problems.
Being as it is so tiny I had to give away lot of stuff like my organ and tons of books and records but I insisted that my piano come with us!!
Every house just HAS to have a piano!!
When I used to give piano lessons to my little nephew, he looked around the large front room that we used to have and noticed besides the piano, my organ, the guitars, the accorodian and flute and harmonicas and said.."Aunt Terry, You sure DO have a musical house!
Even your sewing machine is a "Singer!!"
I am thankful for the innocence and the cute sayings that come out of the mouth of a little child!!

Well now, about that huge heating bill!!
I am just thankful that we have a gas stove and because the house is SO small that we can turn on the kitchen stove oven and it almost heats the whole house!!
Although once it gets extremly cold, we have learned to put the furnace on because one time when we didn't, the water pipes froze and we couldn't use our washing machine or I mean BERNIE couldn't use it, and we had to go to the Laundromat for which I guess we were even thankful for that because there are always interesting people that you can meet there and talk to!!

Gee! At the end of the day, if I am weary, it usually means that I have talked a lot of my friend's ears off by computer and I hope that it has been a LITTLE productive at least!
I AM thankful that they never tell me that I talk too much!!
They are way too kind to do that!
I am truly thankful for each and everyone of these dear people!

My alarm NEVER goes off in the morning, Lauren-Mary
It doesn't have a chance.
MY alarm every morning,except Wednesdays[because I am already at work] is my precious dad.
He phones every morning between 7:30 and 8:00 and I am thankful that HE is still alive!
He chats with me for a few minutes and never hangs up without telling me that he loves me.
He has done this for years.
He will be 80 in November and is not saved yet.
It would break my heart if I ever lose him but I would STILL have to be thankful to God because of all the chances He HAS given to my dad to be saved.
I would be ever so much more thankful though if Dad gets saved and I would KNOW that I would meet him in heaven if I ever DO lose him!!
I would be EXTREMELY thankful for that!!

Now I will give you ONE more thing to be thankful dear little Lauren-Mary...Thankful that I am finally going to be quiet!!....Love Terry

Noel said...

I couldn't sleep. I thought I would just drop a line and thank you for being a friend. Have a wonderful day.