Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The REAL meaning of Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine definitely was. My family arrived around 1 o'clock, and stayed until around 11 ,and I don't think the conversation stopped the entire time!
My grandmother gave me a Christmas card with this on the front:

C- Counsellor
H- Healer
R- Redeemer
I- Immanuel
S- Shepherd
T- Truth
M- Messiah
A- Almighty
S- Saviour

I'm saving the card to bookmark the Christmas story in one of my old Bibles.
I'm off to make cookies for the barn Christmas party tomorrow evening, but if I don't burn the house down (haha) and I have time later tonight, I'll write up another post.
If not- may you all remember the real reason we are celebrating this holiday!

Lots of holiday love...

In His Name-



Terry said...

Sounds like you are having a lot of fun Lauren-mary!!

We aren't doing too bad in our neck of the woods.
With this green all around and no snow, Katy's son who is a grape farmer tells us that there are already dandelions blooming at the farm!!
Hope you have a good time at the
barn party. Like you once said, "It sure beats being at a martini party!!"....Love Terry

Noel said...

Hi! Hope the barn party went okay. Hope you have a great new year.