Today was my first day back at work, so I can already feel my eyes wanting to close .... I took two weeks off before going back to work, and I think I got a little too used to sleeping in!
This past week actually hasn't been much of a vacation. I'm been frustrated about a lot of things, so thanks for all your words of encouragement! I've still got work to do tonight for my second job, but if I have time before bed, I'll post more, and if not, hopefully tomorrow!!
In His Love-
The tulips pics are great, thanks for sharing them!!
How right Laura-Mae IS Lauren-Mary...
Disregard anything said at David's about your not doing your job!
I am SO sorry!
These are SO nice!
And I thank you SO much!!
LauraMae and Lauren-Mary, do you know that The Pilgrim is now calling us of the "Fisher Connection", Pilgrim Pals now!!
I just think that it is an OK idea!
Thanks again Jack's mama....Love Terry
The pictures are so lovely. My sister will be so happy you posted them. She wanted to got to Ottawa for the tulip festival, but my dad can only take us one day out of seven, and we are always busy. Oh, well, maybe we'll get to go there in June or July when it is warmer (hopefully), and we can get in our usual fair share of sightseeing.
I went out for a walk yesterday with my camera, and got a few shots of some beautiful narcissus (I don't know if that's the correct spelling), but the tulips here are all dying. That reminds me of the scripture, "the flowers fade, the grass withers, but the word of our God stands forever." (Isaiah 40:8)
from a fellow Pilgrim Pal,
Hebrews 11:1
You must be thrilled, Lauren Mary! Ottawa is headed to the Stanley Cup does that sound? Wish I was there...well, maybe we will get there one day of the first full week of June. I met someone today who lives in Ottawa but comes here to meet with fellow believers, and I was told that it is just beautiful with all the tulips. Enjoy it, and take lots of photos for us who can't be there!
God's blessings on you,
Pilgrim Pal, Hebrews 11:!
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