Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lacking in zeal no more!

A few weeks ago, I was invited to spend some time at a friend's house in the Muskokas. I declined because I was so busy, and I felt guilty taking off on a vacation when I hadn't made any plans for the fall yet. With two jobs (part-time, but better than nothing!) lined up, and the dark circles under my eyes growing by the day, I decided that maybe a vacation was in order. My birthday is tomorrow (Sunday), so I decided that this would be my treat to myself for my birthday!
And the outcome? It was the best birthday present EVER!! I spent all week boating, relaxing and eating homemade lasagna and chocolate cookies! There was even a Dairy Queen ice cream birthday cake! I took a lot of pictures but right now they're not loading, so hopefully I can figure out the problem and have them up in a day or two.
I brought my Bible and some devotional readings along with me, and I spent a lot of afternoons relaxing in the back of the boat reading. I honestly feel like my relationship with God is back on track, if not stronger than ever. While my Muskoka vacation was a good thing, my vacation from a relationship with God this past month has been a BAD thing. It feels so great to be back on track and refreshed.
I wish I could write more but my bags still need to be unpacked. I'll end with a verse that I read earlier on in the week and just really stuck with me all week:

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fevor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
- Romans 12:11-12

In His Love-



  1. Happy Birthday Lauren-Mary...Love Terry

  2. Anonymous9:23 p.m.

    Happy Birthday, dearest Lauren-Mary! I'm so sorry this is a little late...I was away from the computer this weekend.

    May God bless your year with His love, peace, and grace!


  3. How are you doing Lauren-mary.
    Haven't heard from you for so long!
    I was wondering how Jack would like to come over for a little visit again.
    Is he alright these days?
    Let me know when you can lend him to me.
    It won't be long until he is climbing Chrsimas trees again!!
    Love Terry

  4. Anonymous1:00 a.m.

    Hi Lauren.
    Sorry haven't kept in touch. I hope everything is going well in your end of the world.

  5. Anonymous1:31 p.m.

    Hi Lauren-Mary.....please stop over at the Pals are missed!

