Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What A Week!

In general, going to university is a time that most people credit as the point in their life when they were really able to research, learn and expand their knowledge. High school is a time to learn and repeat facts; university is a time to question the facts, research your ideas and create your own concepts. I’d have to say that for me, this has been true. I’ve always considered myself lucky because up until last Monday, not once have I had to defend my Christian views in class, or been taught anything that conflicts with them. I was warned by someone before I started my first year that if I wasn’t careful, university would change all my morals and beliefs. I don’t know if they were grossly exaggerating, or if I just got really lucky, but it hasn’t. (If nothing else, university is when I “re-found” God). In fact, my second year physiology professor actually dedicated an entire lecture on how the perfection of the human body and of human movement aid in explaining that God does exist.
Last Monday was my first day back after a week off, so I really wasn’t too thrilled to be back in class (forget the seven year itch- after four years, I’m ready to graduate and move on!). I was trying to listen to the lecture as best I could though, when something really caught my attention. The professor was talking about the Christian Crusades, and all of a sudden started off on a tangent about how the Crusades prove that the root of Christianity is evil, and how she doesn’t trust anyone with strong religious beliefs, and so on. People who knew I was a Christian started glancing over to see what my reaction would be. I’ll admit- I was panicked. Part of me wanted to jump right in and defend Christianity, another part of me really didn’t feel like starting a massive argument, and the yet another part of me was just hoping the professor would quickly move on. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and tried to contradict her. I don’t remember actually what she said back to me, but it basically meant “I’m right, you’re wrong, now stop talking”. The rant continued, to her equating some radical Christians to ALL Christians, to which I stepped in again, only to be shot down. Then, I remembered a lecture last month in which the very same prof chastised another student in the class for making a generalization about another religious group, and how wrong it was to equate a few radicals with the entire religion. I made this point, to which she really had nothing to come back to, so I figured the discussion was over. Not so. The prof simply switched tactics, and started talking about how ridiculous the resurrection of Christ is, but her facts were flat-out wrong. I stepped in again, trying to correct her. I said I obviously disagree with her stand, but that if she’s going to rant, she should at least have her facts right. I think I’ve been marked as the rebel student! The worst part was that this particular prof and I disagree on a lot, and have debated in the past. Usually though half the class is with me; plus, I’m not one to start a hot debate, just join in. This time though, I was standing all alone.
For the next few days, I was plagued with guilt over how I didn’t step in right away and defend my faith with immediate confidence, and that part of me just felt like sinking down into my chair and becoming invisible. I’m completely comfortable sharing my faith with people who want to know, but I’m not one of those people who are upfront about it. “Hi, my name is Lauren and I’m a Christian” is not usually how I introduce myself! I’m more of an “actions speak louder than words” person. I really felt like I’d let God down, but He was a funny way of providing for us.
Remember my friend Jordan? I wrote about him about a month ago. He’s the one who’s found a list on the Internet of reasons that supposedly disprove Christianity. He asked me to explain some of the points to him, and every once in a while I’ll get a phone call or an e-mail with a quick question. Poor Jordan had the misfortune of bumping into me while I was still fuming over Monday morning’s class. We were talking over one point on the list, which was a Bible verse that had been clearly taken out of context. I issued Jordan a two-part challenge: 1) even if you don’t believe, open your mind to the possibility. Trying to learn with a closed mind is a waste of time and 2) Don’t form an opinion until you’ve heard both sides.
I got a call over the week-end from Jordan saying he’d gone out and bought a Bible! I was shocked! I asked him how come, and apparently my challenge made sense and he’s decided that if Christianity isn’t for him, at least it will be a decision made after he’s explored it. He asked if we could get together sometime and talk about what he’s been reading. I said sure, but I could call up someone else older and a bit more experienced if he wanted. He said no, because he’s already talked to some other Christians, but he likes that I don’t “Bible-thump” and I understand his doubts. What a confidence booster after a very long and trying week!!! I’d been praying all week about how upset I was over not being aggressive in my stand, and all along God had a plan to use my own witnessing style. Life really is so much easier when we place it in His hands isn’t it?! So, now I’ve been praying that God gives me the right words to use and opens Jordan’s heart.
Isn’t it funny how we all have different traits and personalities, and God uses them all? God is great!
So, apparently I’m very long-winded tonight! I’ll end here with a quick prayer request: please pray for me, and for Jordan!

In His Love-



  1. Dear Lauren-mary...I really admire you for speaking to your teacher in the way that you did. I think that you showed wisdom and politness at the same time and COURAGE!!

    As far as Jordan is concerned though Laren-mary, I think that your advice to him was perfect...that he should call on someone older, not necessarily more experienced because I personally think that you are a very wise and experienced girl as far as the Bible is concerned.

    We can all pray for Jordan but at the same time you have to be so careful Lauren-mary.
    If Jordan has purchased a Bible then the Lord can speak to him if he is truly seekig Him.

    I hope that I have not offended you.
    I have been thinking about this all night and wanted to be careful what I wrote to you because you are such a dear friend in my life now
    Sometimes I am a bit of a coward!
    I would never want to lose you as my friend.....Love Terry

    Lauren-mary ...You were NOT alone in the class...Guess Who was with you?...Right by your side!!

  2. Hi Terry- No, of course you haven't offended me! Actually, I welcome your advice and input!
    I've been thinking a lot about this too, and I'm still flip-flopping. With only a week of classes left, I still have a lot of work to get through, then I'm into exams, so I really don't know how much time I'll have to talk to Jordan anyways. I'll do what I can, but I'm praying and waiting for the Lord to show me what His plan is.
    I consider you a dear friend too...and friends can always be honest with each other! THANK YOU for being a friend and for being honest!

    p.s. Thanks for the reminder that the Lord was standing with me!

  3. Dear Lauren-mary...What a relief!
    This is why I love you so much and respect you.

    When I was 18, I never did want to take advice the same way you do. I have had many a regret over it but now that I am older ,I DO appreciate when another Christian advises me when I know it is with the right motive.

    Your parents have raised a beautiful girl! !!..Love Terry
